Thursday, November 19, 2009

greenhouse kits and hydroponics systems - AeroGarden Arugula Seed Kit Salad Bar - tin foil - Cooking

AeroGarden Arugula Seed Kit Salad Bar

AeroGarden Arugula Seed Kit Salad Bar - A terrific peppery flavor addition to liven up any salad. Take your salad from boring to extraordinary! Mix 'n Match with another Salad Bar Seed Kit for custom salad gardens designed for your very own taste. Harvest in 3 weeks, then keep harvesting forup to 4 months. The AeroGarden Seed Kits feature the "Plug 'N Grow" Bio-dome Seed System. Each pod has a dome that creates a perfect, mini-greenhouse environment for young seedlings. The pod label helps optimize humidity for germination and identifies your plants. Inside is the pre-seeded grow sponge which balances the amount of water and air the young seedling receives. Each Seed Pod's placement in the AeroGarden is mapped inside the box. Each kit has its own nutrient tablets bagged and clearly marked for use in the correct order. These time-release, nutrient tablets contain everything: all the micro and macro nutrients each plant needs, plus seaweed and a patented secret ingredient that keeps the pH (acidity) of your tap water in the perfect range for growing plants. Arugula Seed Kit includes: 7 pre-seeded pods and a Tending and Harvesting Guide with recipes for salad dressings.

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  1. well done have just managed to show the world what an idiot you some research will you, did you know that a plane hit the Empire State Building? Did that come crashing down? No...aviation fuel burns far to quick to have an effect like that and not at a high enough temp ffs

  2. bitter like all 'good' medicine LOL

  3. I watched it, very poignant. I cant believe those that cannot see what is going on, I realise its hard to accept things that have come out of the 911 investigation for example, but then, it is a very bitter pill to swallow.

  4. I made a video for him...I'll send it to you LOL

  5. thanks for taking time to tell me and for watching :)

  6. Thanks I needed to hear that today :)
    Watch all 5 parts to that video it's a great 27 min intro into it all...

  7. Brilliant! Absolutely perfect. I'm meeting with some friends of the heart today, and we are trying to figure out how to wake people up to the 9-11 truth without being overbearing or scary, and I can't wait to show them this video. I love all your videos, and you have much to teach. Keep up your amazing work! Love to you!!!!

  8. Tinfoilhatlady I do not see nay reason to call names ? Do you ? Not nice, I have watched the true unedited version of the tape it takes any where between 16 and 22 seconds , I happen to be visual impaired and can not see , I read about 100 books a month with book share, how ever reading WOLRD renowned physics and engineer reports along with NASA confirming film footage I know what is the truth , you need better TIN FOIL bleep bleep mother ship going to dark side of the moon, READ NIST

  9. okay go away then. YOU need to wake up to gove sponsored terror my dear :)
    Read some books and stop watching TV.

  10. that's how fast it fell dumb ass
    10 seconds
    you can see it yourself in the footage from the day

  11. name just one academic database which accepts what your saying . you can't.

    You use Fear , Comic relief ( pretty funny lady , I luv you too, and Buzz words without any real data or proof , you also use hatred .

    and jsut what is your point in doing all this , What is it you like to see happen ?
    Whom do you think did it and why ?
    BHo is jsut like BUSH , clinton boomed IRAQ also are they involved ? I been spit on , I been called all kinds of names ,I am tired of you hippies

  12. please give us the account of the so called free fall speed ?And whom is claiming this ?

  13. yeah the debris pile that was created miraculously at free fall speed :)

  14. Alex Jones, professional conspiracy theorist radio host, has said Jones found evidence of thermite. This isn't true. What Jones found was something which would have been in the debris pile anyway. Sulfur...

  15. thanks for watching :)
    and for taking the time to
    a comment....
    peace is always with us
    whether we choose to accept it or not

  16. only physics 101
    Newtons laws DUH
    but I luv u :)

  17. Do you still have contact with the mother ship TIN foil HEAD ?

    While Amusing not much on facts ?

  18. Thanks D
    In Tense you often find snakes when you're camping :)

  19. your style of teaching makes it just alittle
    bit easier to listen to this intense message...

  20. sorry dear one
    I missed you I guess :)
    Thanks for watching
